* What is Incognito mode?
First of all, what is Incognito mode? If you want to hide your search history or you are very private toward the things then Incognito made is best for you, In Incognito mode we can search anything privatively because no history is recorded there. This mode doesn’t leave any traces of browsing so it is useful for private browsing
* How does Incognito mode work?
Basically, incognito mode just means that the browser doesn't save cookies, temporary internet files, or your browsing history when you are in incognito mode.
* How to see incognito history?
Step 1: Open a command prompt and search CMD in a search box.
Step 2: Type command ipconfig /displaydns to see a DNS cache history.
Step 3: Now you can see the detailed information about the website you recently search.
Wow!! You did it.
* Now see how to Delete Incognito History?
Step 1: Open the Command prompt.
Step 2: Type the command ipconfig /flushdns to clear the DNS.
Step 3: This will delete all your Incognito search History.
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